Envisionment: working for your better self -glow up diaries-

Good morning Lovelies! So I have now made my calendar for my blog so hopefully I will be uploading every week. So this week we are talking about Envisionment. Now I brushed up on this topic in my last post, but we’re going to go all in today. So buckle up and get your thinking cap ready to create a new and better you! Let’s get this party started! 1. See your best self and show up as her/him What do you want to be in life? This doesn’t have to be a job or anything but a hobby. Do you wan to read more often? Workout? Envision the finished version of you. Is she a nicer person? Does she have book smarts? Take Whomever you want to be in the future and start showing up as that person. 2. Work on yourself constantly I’m not talking about five hours a day dedicated to one simple thing. Changes take time, trial and error, and hope. I have decided to read my bible and pray every day. At first this was hard, I forgot constantly. I started to set up a timer to remind myself to take a...