Destin, Florida: The vacation of a life time.
My aunt got married! Yes i'm so happy for her. Then she decided to have a destination wedding. I was so exited at the thought of going somewhere outside of Texas. Here is the process of being there and getting there all in one blog post! Lets go!
So my dad, being well, my dad, decided we should do a road trip to Destin! So we packed our bags for a nine hour and thirty minute car trip. I was prepared. With my books at hand and a pillow for when I got car sick. I usually get car sick when I get hot and the car moves a lot. If I look at my book it tends not to effect me as much. I took "Carve the mark series by Victoria Roth" and "Paper Towns by john green.

I finished all three by the time we got to our destination. Yes I know, such a nerd. I totally love carve the mark, but paper towns had no plot to me, I didn't like it very much. My sibings actually were very good. Surprising enough nobody cried, screamed,or hit each other.; This was surprising because we do all of that stuff in a five minute car ride. We stopped in Louisiana to go to the restroom. We also saw Alabama state university on the way. Everyone seemed to like the car ride.
When we got to the resort we all got out of the car and meet with our cousins that we don't get to see that often. We brought all of our stuff up to the room. It was so huge with a wall of glass. Worth every penny!

This was our view
We went down to the beach with our cousins and took a lot of time with the rest of our family when they came outside. We sat outside sun bathing and talking. We went inside and went to Walmart. When we got back we prepared a big meal for the whole wedding crew and had a party at our room.
The next day was the wedding. We all got dressed and went to my aunts room to get ready. I did all of my sisters hair while my mom and my aunt took pictures. We went down to the service and there wasn't a dry eye, The whole service looked out to the beach and was so pretty. my aunt even wore converse with her wedding dress.

The next day we all went out to the beach and to the pool. We spent all day playing football and volleyball. Me and My dad went really deep into the ocean. I even got pulled in by a wave. After we all took a bath we went to eat at an Irish place. The bread was fantastic! The service was astounding as well! We all went to the room and got our swimsuits on. They where so cold I almost passed out. Our grandpa took all of the older kids out to turtle watch. We all saw a few turtles and found a few shells. We probably looked so crazy with our phone lights running into the ocean. There was a couple of people night fishing.

On our way back home we stopped in new Orleans to see pit bulls and parolees, a show my mom loves. The building is a true work of art! and right across a rail road and a street was a coffee bean house. I didn't get to go in but i'm coming for you Folgers!

I read the first two books of the "Ruined series by Amy Titenra" and took a nap, or five.

Thank you all for reading again! I hope you all have a great day lovelies! Is there anywhere you have traveled? Anywhere you want to travel? tell me in the comments!
Quote of the week:
So my dad, being well, my dad, decided we should do a road trip to Destin! So we packed our bags for a nine hour and thirty minute car trip. I was prepared. With my books at hand and a pillow for when I got car sick. I usually get car sick when I get hot and the car moves a lot. If I look at my book it tends not to effect me as much. I took "Carve the mark series by Victoria Roth" and "Paper Towns by john green.
I finished all three by the time we got to our destination. Yes I know, such a nerd. I totally love carve the mark, but paper towns had no plot to me, I didn't like it very much. My sibings actually were very good. Surprising enough nobody cried, screamed,or hit each other.; This was surprising because we do all of that stuff in a five minute car ride. We stopped in Louisiana to go to the restroom. We also saw Alabama state university on the way. Everyone seemed to like the car ride.
When we got to the resort we all got out of the car and meet with our cousins that we don't get to see that often. We brought all of our stuff up to the room. It was so huge with a wall of glass. Worth every penny!

This was our view
We went down to the beach with our cousins and took a lot of time with the rest of our family when they came outside. We sat outside sun bathing and talking. We went inside and went to Walmart. When we got back we prepared a big meal for the whole wedding crew and had a party at our room.
The next day was the wedding. We all got dressed and went to my aunts room to get ready. I did all of my sisters hair while my mom and my aunt took pictures. We went down to the service and there wasn't a dry eye, The whole service looked out to the beach and was so pretty. my aunt even wore converse with her wedding dress.
The next day we all went out to the beach and to the pool. We spent all day playing football and volleyball. Me and My dad went really deep into the ocean. I even got pulled in by a wave. After we all took a bath we went to eat at an Irish place. The bread was fantastic! The service was astounding as well! We all went to the room and got our swimsuits on. They where so cold I almost passed out. Our grandpa took all of the older kids out to turtle watch. We all saw a few turtles and found a few shells. We probably looked so crazy with our phone lights running into the ocean. There was a couple of people night fishing.
On our way back home we stopped in new Orleans to see pit bulls and parolees, a show my mom loves. The building is a true work of art! and right across a rail road and a street was a coffee bean house. I didn't get to go in but i'm coming for you Folgers!

I read the first two books of the "Ruined series by Amy Titenra" and took a nap, or five.

Thank you all for reading again! I hope you all have a great day lovelies! Is there anywhere you have traveled? Anywhere you want to travel? tell me in the comments!
Quote of the week:

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