Ariana Grande Cloud Perfume Review
So when I heard Ariana Grande came out with a new perfume I wanted it. She is super cool so why not? I wouldn't say we have similar styles, because we don't, but I thought I would like this product. So after asking for it for my birthday I got it!Thanks mom and dad. I had watched some reviews on you tube and they all said it smelled almost chemical like to them. So I was kind of scared I would end up with a flop of a perfume. I went in with high hopes (which is a bad thing to do) and was happy with the product! It came in such a cute package and the perfume holder was so cute. I tried it on and fell in love. I'm not one to fall in love with something just because my favorite person loves it either. I tried it on and was so in love with the smell. It was a Mix of sweet and sultry. The perfect sent I didn't know I needed. It reminded me vaguely of one of my brothers old colognes but more girly. I loved it and wear it all the time. I get multiple complements on how good I smell every time I wear it. Its safe to say I will buy as long as it sales!

Here is the link if you're interested, This isn't sponsored content, my true opions:
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Here is the link if you're interested, This isn't sponsored content, my true opions:
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