To my Loyal Blog Readers: With lots of memes, because why not?

I just wanted to take a whole blog post to thank you guys. I have had so much fun writing for you guys, Having this blog has made me try new things that I never knew I would try. I can honestly say this has been (so far) the best year of my life. I just cant believe that I have been doing this for a few months now. So here goes a few things im thankful for about you guys!

One: That no matter what you guys always comeback to my blog to read, it actually means the world to me! When I began blogging I didn't know if I would get any viewers. Now that I have a few viewers I write every word because of you all.
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Two: Every week I can sit down and write about something that is important to me, or I can write about trying something new, or something I always taught I would do. Now that I have reasons to try new things I just go for it. I was never truly good at trying new things, but I do now have confidence to tell you I like trying new things because of you all, and for that I make some seriously interesting blog posts. Or at least I think so.

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Three: You deal with my horrible jokes and even worse memes. I have a punny personality. So it amazes me that you guys like my blog, I mean I annoy myself some times lol. Its just so fun getting to be myself but also have people around the world read my babble.
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Four: You guys make me feel like I can do something important. Putting all of my thoughts and important topics on here help me express myself, you guys show support which makes it easier for me to be open on my stand points, and I like being able to be undeniably me.

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                                      This might be me, and it might not, you decide lol
Five: Last but not least. you guys show me that even with the smallest thing we can make something big. If we believe that we can do it, we can do it. You guys have shown me that if I work hard enough I can get somewhere in life. So thank you guys

That is it for today lovelies! I think that This is probably one of my favorite blog posts. I hope you all have a great week. Bye lovelies!
Quote of the week:
                                      Image result for quotes


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