How to get organised: The KonMari method
So I watched my first episode of "Tiding up with Marie Kondo" last night and was so amazed in her ways of organisation. Who would have taught item by category, not item by room. Meaning organize by the category and not by the room its in.

so here are the six starting rules for the method:
1.Commit to organize
2.Imagine how you want your lifestyle
3.Get rid of items first, but before tossing say thanks to the item for bringing you joy at one time.
4.Tidy by category, not location
5.Follow the correct order
6. ask yourself, Does this item spark joy?
Now that the rules are down, lets talk about our categories!
1. Clothes
3.Papers (such as paperwork, documents, and kids artwork)
4. Komono, also known as miscellaneous items
Now that were done discussing categories (these categories actually make a lot of sense to me) Lets begin tidying up and organizing this bad boy we call a house! I promise I only had one cup of coffee today.
Step one: Clothes
So Marie says we should take all of our clothes out of our clothes and dressers. Yes all our clothes, I know, this is what they call commitment. If you like it then you should have organised it. Yep that just happened
So once all the clothes are out on your bed pick up every item piece by piece. If this item doesn't spark joy then put it in the bin. Remember that you set it nicely and tell it thank you before riding of it. When you are finished its time to fold them! Now her folding methods are genius and so obvious we should have thought of them sooner!
That wasn't easy, but now that we have done it we will be able to see our clothes and they will be able to be seen more easily. Which means they will be used.
Step Two: books
Now for a book freak like me this hurts to even write. You have to rid of books. Now set all your books in a open space. Pick up every item and ask does it spark joy? if not say thanks and put it in a bin. Now here are some other questions to ask yourself when getting rid of books. Will I ever read it? If I have, will I ever read it again? These will help you put your books to a smaller collection and overall easier to keep and clean. Now sense I am a book addict I literally cringe at the thought of a book going to trash. So donate it and give it a new owner, but if the book is trash say thanks and throw it to the trash. After your done neatly organize your books. My favorite organization is color code. I mean, what is prettier than that bookshelf right there? Nothing.
Step three:Papers
Now going through documents can be hard. So really throwing documents can be a though one. Throw only things that don't matter anymore. with children's painting and coloring, as well as random papers, does it spark joy? if not trash it after a thank you. There is actual studies that show throwing away kids artwork is better for them. So why not?
"Buzz! that your girlfriend? wolf"
Step four:Komono
Komono is miscellaneous items around the house. If it doesn't give joy then you can "thank you,next" it and move on. This would be easy to do and if it has no help in your life, or only causes stress get rid of it.
Step five: sentimental items
Now this will probably very hard. Sentimental items can be a touchy subject. Marie says that you don't need to just drop it because it doesn't get used. I know when I got a doll that my grandma had before she passed it sparked so much joy I cried. An angel cried(its another song i'm sorry lol). But only get rid of something if its lost value to you, or doesn't really spark joy. Be careful with this category, keep it all if you want.
Quote from the Christmas story- your welcome dad, you raised me right!
Now that you have organize that house and it looks so good you can clean it with cleaner and call it a day! Thanks for reading today lovelies, sorry for my over hyperness lol. If you want me to start blogging more than once a week subscribe and comment below! I have so many ideas for you guys and hope you guys want more content more than once a week. Bye see you all next Friday- maybe:)
Quote of the week:
Hope you guys loved it! You can find Marie Komono in her new Netflix show "Tidying up with Marie komono" and also I want to hear what you guys want from this blog, what kind of content do you want to see, what do y'all want me to review/ try?