10 Things I wish I knew about braces
So when I was 13 I got my braces. I thought I was ready for such an adjustment, but apparently I wasn't as ready as I thought. So today i'm bringing a list about what I wish I knew about braces. Get ready for a *good* list of To-Dos before braces.
1. I wish I could have know to bring Ibuprofen.
Now if you've ever had braces you know what i'm talking about. They are adjusting your teeth, duh its going to hurt. But of course I wasn't thinking and just walked out of the door. So there i was in so much pain on my thirty minute drive back home I was even sensitive to light. So I think that this is a big point in getting braces, always have pain killers. Period.

2. You Need Chapstick
I can not stress enough that chap-stick is a needed item for braces. When there working on your mouth your lips have latex, air, and harsh lights being introduced to them. If that wasn't enough to chap your lips they also make you hold open your mouth with mouth pliars. Not actual pliars but idk what to call it. But your lips get so dry they look like a canyon. So chap-stick is a big yes.

3. You shouldn't Dink coffee.
Now I didn't know this till I was half way through my treatment. You should reduce or completely not have coffee at all. Coffee is such a pigmented drink that it stains teeth. and with brackets on it causes uneven staining. Meaning you have little white squares in the middle of your teeth, which doesn't sound appealing. I found a way around this and drank everything with a straw. I have no discoloration at all.

4. That You wont look stupid.
I used to not want to open my mouth with my braces. I had seen so many people on T.V. who were made fun of for their braces that I didn't want to be made fun of. But honestly it didn't look stupid at all. I looked like any other teen girl and honestly I shouldn't have been so afraid.

5.You will talk funny.
I didn't expect it much but you will talk funny for at least the first week. Your vowels and M's tend to get a little slurred and it gets a little hard, but you get used to it. so that's okay. But my mom got a video of me talking and its quite funny.
6. Food Gets stuck in your braces.
So I've never had the broccoli stuck in the front of my braces, But I did have pieces of food stuck every where. I mean who gets a pickle slice stuck in her expander? This girl!

7. Broken brackets
So I never truly broke my bracket but I chipped off some glue on a bracket. So it was half on half off. I do say that it hurt a lot. But it was fine because I got it fixed.

8. Brace wax isnt really needed.
Braces wax keeps the bracket from rubbing your gums raw. I think I only used this product about three times in my two and a half years of braces. So its good to have a small case in your drawer but you don't need it. I also forgot to take it out while drinking water. so I ingested a few wax pieces back in the day

9. That nobody notices your braces.
I literally had friends who I had been friends with for years ask when I got braces on. I had them on for quiet a while when they asked. I mean they where so noticeable to me but I guess others didn't really notice. Which makes me think that only you seem to notice the little flaws here and there.

10. That you look totally fine with your braces.
I taught I looked so ugly with my braces. I got told that I didn't but somewhere deep inside I hated them. So when I got them taken off I was so happy. But looking back I was totally fine. And even if I did look a little ugly I know that I ended good. So its a plus.

So that it for today lovelies. Did you ever have braces? did you ever want to have braces? or where you like me and couldn't stand them. Tell me in the comments below. Have a great week and have a lovely day!
Quote of the week, I decided to make it funny:

1. I wish I could have know to bring Ibuprofen.
Now if you've ever had braces you know what i'm talking about. They are adjusting your teeth, duh its going to hurt. But of course I wasn't thinking and just walked out of the door. So there i was in so much pain on my thirty minute drive back home I was even sensitive to light. So I think that this is a big point in getting braces, always have pain killers. Period.
2. You Need Chapstick
I can not stress enough that chap-stick is a needed item for braces. When there working on your mouth your lips have latex, air, and harsh lights being introduced to them. If that wasn't enough to chap your lips they also make you hold open your mouth with mouth pliars. Not actual pliars but idk what to call it. But your lips get so dry they look like a canyon. So chap-stick is a big yes.

3. You shouldn't Dink coffee.
Now I didn't know this till I was half way through my treatment. You should reduce or completely not have coffee at all. Coffee is such a pigmented drink that it stains teeth. and with brackets on it causes uneven staining. Meaning you have little white squares in the middle of your teeth, which doesn't sound appealing. I found a way around this and drank everything with a straw. I have no discoloration at all.
4. That You wont look stupid.
I used to not want to open my mouth with my braces. I had seen so many people on T.V. who were made fun of for their braces that I didn't want to be made fun of. But honestly it didn't look stupid at all. I looked like any other teen girl and honestly I shouldn't have been so afraid.

5.You will talk funny.
I didn't expect it much but you will talk funny for at least the first week. Your vowels and M's tend to get a little slurred and it gets a little hard, but you get used to it. so that's okay. But my mom got a video of me talking and its quite funny.
6. Food Gets stuck in your braces.
So I've never had the broccoli stuck in the front of my braces, But I did have pieces of food stuck every where. I mean who gets a pickle slice stuck in her expander? This girl!
7. Broken brackets
So I never truly broke my bracket but I chipped off some glue on a bracket. So it was half on half off. I do say that it hurt a lot. But it was fine because I got it fixed.
8. Brace wax isnt really needed.
Braces wax keeps the bracket from rubbing your gums raw. I think I only used this product about three times in my two and a half years of braces. So its good to have a small case in your drawer but you don't need it. I also forgot to take it out while drinking water. so I ingested a few wax pieces back in the day

9. That nobody notices your braces.
I literally had friends who I had been friends with for years ask when I got braces on. I had them on for quiet a while when they asked. I mean they where so noticeable to me but I guess others didn't really notice. Which makes me think that only you seem to notice the little flaws here and there.
10. That you look totally fine with your braces.
I taught I looked so ugly with my braces. I got told that I didn't but somewhere deep inside I hated them. So when I got them taken off I was so happy. But looking back I was totally fine. And even if I did look a little ugly I know that I ended good. So its a plus.
So that it for today lovelies. Did you ever have braces? did you ever want to have braces? or where you like me and couldn't stand them. Tell me in the comments below. Have a great week and have a lovely day!
Quote of the week, I decided to make it funny:
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