The Selection Series Review


                       The Selection Series

                                                    Image result for the selection series
So I have always been sort of a book nerd. I have read books from The Hunger Games to The Tender years. I read The Selection series in my Freshman year of high school and instantly feel in love with it! I had went through a major reading slump and decided to walk into my school library and pick up the first title that looked good. I had been a little skeptical because I had read a review for this book on GoodReads and there where a few who thought it wasn't very good. I dove in and fell in love with the main character America. She came from a poor family that was very close knit. Besides her brother who left them for money, but that is  a different story. In this world she lives in america had been taken over by China. New China America fought for there freedom and became the kingdom of  illea. This kingdom is now ruled by the Schreave family. This kingdom is also separated by cast. Ones being royals. Twos being Models and important celebrities. Threes being teachers and writers. Fours being jewelers and gardeners. Fives being musicians and artist (America is in this cast). Sixes maids and cooks. Sevens being mostly outside laborers. Finally eights being homeless people. When one of the royal families kids came of age they started a selection to marry the royal kid off. They send out an invite to every girl who is between the age of 17 to 21. They randomly choose thirty girls from the kingdom no matter what cast. The girls come to the castle and are  picked off by the royal kid till there is one standing. Maxon Schreave the royal prince has just started the selection process. Americas mom wants her to enter because it could help their family. Signing up to America is a conflict of interest because of her secret Beau Aspen. Yet when Aspen tells her to sign up and breaks it off with her she goes and signs up. Being selected for America would be a nightmare, but as life often has it her nightmares come true. She is selected and leaves to go to the castle. In this series we go through her up and downs in the selection process. While her indecisiveness can be quite a bit frustrating it will have you wanting more and wishing you could know the ending. This is one of my favorite books I have ever read and i have read it about 4 times. Maybe I read it a little to much, but it never disappoints. 

If there are any books that you recommend put it in the comment section. I would love to read them!


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