How to not wash your hair for a week...

I have sense I was little not had to wash my hair for a week because my mom trained it sense was a baby. she would go two days with no was then three and so on. That's how my hair was trained. But when I took over the hair washing for myself I washed my hair everyday. Now that I know that's not good I have a few tips and tricks for you.

*Train your hair like my mom did mine, I will be starting this up again so I can fix my hair. I have to wash it every four days now.

*Remember its okay to have a little grease, I don't mean it looks like you put you hair in a McDonald frier, but a little is okay!

* Dry shampoo should be good (never tried it but i've heard good things), but baby powder will be a quick substitute.

So now that I have made a quick list lets begin with hairstyles
 Day one: Wash and dry your hair, use any heating tools you want to style it. I would say use a light hairspray or none at all. you can easily brush the hairspray out.

Day two: You can wear your hair anyway you want because it shouldn't be greasy yet.

Day three: Now things might be getting a little juicier. Wear your hear in a half up half down hairstyle. Your hair will look cute and you can style with curls or straighten.

Day four: You should french or dutch braid your hair. This will hide most of the roots that are a little more oiled

Day five: Do a high pony and slick it back, it would be hard to tell its greasy

Day six: Do a high messy bun, super cute for that waxy hair. Its super cute and very in style

Day seven: This is the final day of greasy hair put it up in a hat! You can pull it off with a cute beanie or wide brimmed hat. This is in style as well

Now remember, You should train your hair, but you can go straight into this. Never forget you can use dry shampoo as well. If anyone tells you your hair looks greasy just say you just washed it, just kidding, don't lie lol. So this is it for today lovelies but I will see you guys next Friday. My birthday is this Monday the 18th, i'm turning 16, so I will probably post a little something for you guys, with lots of love Jessie!


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