My Favorite Quotes & Memes

I have always love my memes. They make me happy, inspired, and even have me feeling the mood of the writer. I use a quote for almost everything and they always give me great advice. So today I will be giving you a list of my favorite quotes.

- Even the darkest night ends when the sun rises.
-Rebel with a cause
-Look for something positive in every day
-Your wings already exist, all you have to do is fly
- Were like glow sticks, we have to break to shine
- Life is short, smile while you still have teeth
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-Cremation, my last chance at a smoking hot body
-You cant stay mad after listening to a ukulele- Okay but how true is this?
-All my life I thought air was free, till I bought a bag of chips
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-If Cinderellas shoe fit then why did it fall of?
-Dear karma, I have a list of people you forgot.
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Thanks for reading again my lovelies, anything you want to see in next weeks blog post? I had a fun time making this post and hope you loved it! Hope you have a great day.


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